
From MorphOS Library

Listed below are the applications included in the SYS:Applications drawer.

Each application has its own page giving an overview of its purpose and basic usage. Click an application name for more information.

Apdf.png Apdf
A PDF viewer.
MorphOS3 jPV Gfxspeed.png Benchmark
A benchmarking suite which includes DiskSpeed, SCSISpeed, and GfxSpeed applications.
MorphOS3 jPV Flacapella1.png Flacapella
A CDDA ripper/encoder.
MorphOS3 jPV Scribble.png FlowStudio
A full-featured text editor and IDE based on Scintilla.
Hex.png Hex
A hex editor for files, disks, and memory.
MorphOS 3.16 Iris.png Iris
A modern email client.
MorphOS3 jPV Jalapeno3.png Jalapeno
A simple CD/DVD authoring application.
Kryptos.png Kryptos
A TrueCrypt compatible disk encryption suite.
LCDMonitorTest.png LCD Monitor Test
For testing and repairing LCD monitors.
LogTool.png LogTool
A comprehensive MorphOS debugging companion.
MorphOS3 jPV Rdesktop.png RDesktop
A Remote Desktop client supporting the RDP protocol.
RemoteShell.png Remote Shell
A fully configurable MUI based SSH client.
MorphOS3 jPV Scandal.png SCANdal
A fully featured scanning suite.
Review jpv Showgirls.png ShowCase
A powerful image viewer with advanced image manipulation options.
Sketch.png Sketch
A painting application.
MorphOS3 jPV SynergyServer.png Synergy
Synergy protocol client and server applications.
Transfer.png Transfer
A graphical FTP/SFTP client.
MorphOS3 jPV Vncserver.png VNC Server
A remote access server allowing clients to connect using the VNC protocol.
MorphOS3 jPV Vpdf1.png VPDF
The PDF viewer on MorphOS.
MorphOS 3.16 Wayfarer.png Wayfarer
The latest WebKit based browser.
An input only VNC client.

See also: Tools included with MorphOS and Utilities included with MorphOS