Shell Commands/RequestFile

From MorphOS Library

< Shell Commands

RequestFile - Asks for a filename via a file requester


DRAWER         - Initial contents of the Drawer gadget                         
FILE           - Initial contents of the File gadget
PATTERN        - Initial contents of the Pattern gadget
TITLE          - Title string of the requester
POSITIVE       - Specifies the text to appear in the positive (left)
                 choice of the requester
NEGATIVE       - Specifies the text to appear in the negative (right)
                 choice of the requester
ACCEPTPATTERN  - This option specifies a standard MorphOS pattern.
                 Only files matching this pattern are displayed
                 in the file requester.
REJECTPATTERN  - This option specifies a standard MorphOS pattern.
                 Files matching this pattern are not displayed
                 in the file requester.
SAVEMODE       - Specify this option to use the requester to write files
                 to disk
MULTISELECT    - Allows multi-selection of files
DRAWERSONLY    - Only accept drawers (file requester does not have
                 a file gadget)
NOICONS        - Don't display icons in the file list
PUBSCREEN      - Open the requester on the specified PubScreen
INITIALVOLUMES - Initial volume (default=current dir)

The selected files are returned on the command line, enclosed in double quotation marks and separated with spaces. The command generates a return code of 0 if you select a file or 5 if you cancel the requester.

NOTE: When entered with no arguments, a file requester with OK, Volumes, Parent, and Cancel buttons is created. First Drawer and File gadgets are empty and it displays the contents of the current directory.