List of Wanted Articles
From MorphOS Library
Here is a list of various ideas for articles:
Tutorial: Chatting with other MorphOS users
Keywords; IRC (what is it?), FreeNode, #morphos, software choices (on MorphOS and Win, Mac, Linux)
Tutorial: Sending and receiving email with MorphOS
Keywords: software choices (SimpleMail, YAM, webmail via OWB), additional software (AmiSSL), describe how to setup a account as an example (feel free use text found at
Tutorial: Installing MorphOS
Keywords: installation procedure from start to finish (including screenshots), special notes for Efika, Pegasos 1/2 and MacMini if needed
Article: Video playback
Keywords: introduce the major available video players (MPlayer, VLC), describe key differences (what features stand out?) and provide download links
Article: Music playback
Keywords: introduce the major available video players (AmiNet Radio, SongPlayer, etc.), describe key differences (what features stand out?) and provide download links